Our Approach

We firmly believe that happiness should be our goal in life when it comes to our furry friends. Everything we do is geared towards enriching their life as well as ours and making that bond with our dog stronger.

Our Story

Royal Rascals began in 2014 with a blue Volkswagen beetle and a little border collie cross called Poppy. Don’t all great stories start like that?!

Today, we are very proud of our professional service. We have two completely safe vans which are securely crated and safe for the dogs in transit. We spend a lot of our own time with our nose in books or completing registered courses so we are always up to date on all things dog.

Meet the Team

Lhanna Dickson


Alongside walking the Rascals, Lhanna is a trainer at Glasgow Dog Obedience & House of Herders. She is also part of the Victoria Stillwell Academy, where she trains dog trainers of the future. Lhanna has been a dog walker for over a decade and loves nothing more than new explores with her furry friends!

Oscar, Holly & Bear

The Experts

Lhanna’s dogs, the reason the Rascals exist! Chaotic, energetic and complex, they have taught us a lot about dogs. As the are now all in their elder years they don’t accompany on every walk we do, but still like to make an appearance here and there.

Amie Connelly

Dog Walker

Amie joined the Rascals in 2024! She has been in the dog industry for the last 5 years, successfully running her award winning training company Canine Pawtential in Ayrshire. Amie absolutely loves spending time with dogs and going on proper treks in the wilderness!